- Bestaunen Sie den höchstgelegenen Vulkan-See der Welt, den Lago Chungará (4.570m), und das farbenprächtige “Mars Tal” am Suri Plaza
- Entdecken Sie das ursprüngliche Andendorf Putre und geniessen Sie landestypische Kulinarik: Alpaka-Fleisch, Quinoa, Königs-Krabbe & Lamm-Barbecue
- Besteigen Sie das über 5000m hohen Cosapilla Bergmassivs in den Anden
- Paddeln Sie zwischen des Eisbergen des Grey-Sees oder wandern Sie auf tausend Jahre altem Gletscher-Eis
- Wandern Sie zu den berühmten Torres del Paine Granitnadeln
- Beobachten Sie die einheimische Tierwelt wie Kondore, Vicuñas, Guanacos und Ñandus
Insider Tipp
- Probieren Sie das chilenische Nationalgetränk, einen Pisco Sour
12 Tage ab Arica / an Punta Arenas
- 4 Tage geführte Wanderungen
- Bootsfahrten
- Wildlife
- 8 Nächte Hotel
- 3 Nächte Berghütte
- 11x Frühstück
- 8x Lunchpaket
- 3x Abendessen
ab 3.590 CHF
Keine Frage - das Altiplano-Hochland im Norden und Patagonien im äußersten Süden Chiles sind mit die abenteuerlichsten Trekkingziele für Wanderfreunde auf dem südamerikanischen Kontinent. Beeindruckende Vulkane - die meisten von ihnen über 6.000 Meter hoch - und glitzernde Salare (Salzseen) prägen das Altiplano-Hochland und machen es einzigartig. Patagonien am anderen Ende ist berühmt für seine riesigen Gletscher, smaragdgrünen Seen und Granitfelsen.
Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser unvergesslichen Wanderreise und erleben Sie die extremsten Kontraste zwischen dem bizarren und trockenen Altiplano-Hochland und dem wilden und mystischen Patagonien.
Gruppengrösse: mind. 6 - max. 12 Personen
- Zubucher-Termine laut unserer Webseite
- Beste Reisezeit: von September bis Anfang Dezember / von März bis April
Tagestouren, die Sie mäßig fordern werden. Die Höhenunterschiede, aber auch die Temperaturunterschiede werden die größte Herausforderung darstellen. Trittsicherheit, Höhenverträglichkeit (bis zu 5.000 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel), eine gute Kondition und Fitneß, Teamgeist und Bereitschaft zum Komfortverzicht sind wichtige Voraussetzungen für diese Tour. Durchschnittliche Temperatur in Arica: tagsüber 22 C°, nachts 15 C°. Durchschnittliche Temperatur im Altiplano: tagsüber 17-20 C° , nachts 0-5 C°. Durchschnittliche Temperatur in Patagonien: tagsüber 8 - 16 C°. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Temperatur hängt stark davon ab, in welchem Monat Sie reisen, und das Wetter in Patagonien ist selbst im Sommer unberechenbar (an jedem Tag können Sie alle 4 Jahreszeiten erleben).
Day 1-2: Seaport Arica - 7,000 years old Chinchorro mummies - Andean village Putre
Important note: The itinerary described in the program is a planned itinerary or a guide. Changes or deviations of individual travel services from the contractually agreed content of the travel contract, which become necessary after conclusion of the contract and which were not brought about by MOSER Active against good faith, are permitted, provided that these are not significant and do not affect the overall design of the booked trip. MOSER Active will endeavor to offer an equivalent replacement. Additional costs that may arise due to changes to the tour itinerary are to be borne by the participant on site and will not be reimbursed by MOSER Active.
Day 1
After arriving at the airport in Arica we pick you up and bring you directly to your hotel, where you have some time to refresh and relax. Later in the day your guide will walk with you up to “El Morro” lookout and to the “San Marcos Cathedral”, designed in France by Gustave Eiffel. In the afternoon you can go for a boat ride along the Pacific coast, where you will be able to observe marine fauna such as pelicans, sea gulls or even sea lions and dolphins. Overnight: Hotel in Arica in double room with private bathroom. (-/-/D)
Day 2
Today, you will travel through the Azapa-Valley to visit the Azapa Museum in San Miguel. Here you can admire mummies and relics of the Chinchorro culture that are more than 7,000 years old. Later on, you will head for the idyllically situated Andean village of Putre, an elevation of 11,500 ft. On your way to Putre you will stop at Pucara de Copaquilla, an archeological site that dates back to the 12th century. Overnight: Hotel in Putre in double room with private bathroom at an elevation of 11,500 ft. (B/L/D)
Day 3-4: Hiking on the smuggler trail & in the Mars valley– Suri Plaza (5,100m)
Day 3
After breakfast, a short transfer will bring you close to the Nevados de Putre mountains, at an elevation of 13,800 ft. You will hike back to Putre along a very old path used by smugglers long ago. After this 4-hours trek through the breathtaking Altiplano scenery you deserve some time to relax. Tonight, you will eat in a typical local restaurant and can try traditional dishes such as alpaca meat. Elevation of approx. 2,300 ft descent; approx. 4 hours of walking. Overnight: Hotel in Putre in double room with private bathroom at an elevation of 11,500 ft. (B/L/D)
Day 4
Today after breakfast you head up to one of the Altiplano´s best kept secrets, the Suri Plaza. After one and a half hour you arrive at the “Mars valley” - so called because of the deep reddish and orange colors of the sand and surrounding mountains. During today’s trek, you will hike up to an amazing viewpoint on the Cosapilla mountain ridge (16,700 ft a.s.l). From there you will gain an unforgettable view over the vast Suri Plaza mountains and further afield the “Payachatas”, the Twin-Volcanos. A breathtaking moment which is sure to leave you speechless! After a descent of 250m you will drive to the picturesque village Parinacota at an elevation of 14,400 ft, well known for its small church built in the 17th century. Elevation of approx. 800 ft ascent/800 ft descent; approx. 2-3 hours of walking. Overnight: Overnight: Hotel in Putre in double room with private bathroom at an elevation of 11,500(B/L/D)
Day 5-6: Lago Chungará – Iglesia de Belen - Arica - Punta Arenas
Day 5
In the morning you will drive through the Lauca National Park, a UNESCO biosphere preserve that was founded in 1970 and pass by the highest volcano-lake on earth – Lago Chungará (15,000 ft), where you can see the reflection of the two twin-volcanoes Parinacota (20,800 ft) and Pomperape (20,600 ft) magically appear on its surface. After a visit of the small Andean village Belen, you will drive back to the Pacific Coast, to Arica. Overnight: Hotel in Arica. (B/L/D)
Day 6
Today we leave the colorful north of Chile and fly via Santiago de Chile to Punta Arenas in Patagonia, where your next adventure begins. Overnight: Hotel in Punta Arenas in double room with private bathroom (B/-/D)
Day 7-8: Punta Arenas – Puerto Natales - Trek to the Grey Glacier
Day 7
After breakfast you will visit the famous Punta Arenas Cemetery which spreads nearly 10 acres and is well known for its hundreds of sculpted cypress trees and the tomb of the Indio Desconocido or unknown Indian. Before you drive through the vast Patagonian pampa to Puerto Natales, you will enjoy a gorgeous view from the lookout “Cerro la Cruz” of Punta Arenas and the Magellan straight. Overnight: Hotel in Puerto Natales in double room with private bathroom (B/-/D)
Day 8
In the morning you drive to the Torres del Paine National Park. Having arrived in the park you cross the emerald green Pehoe-Lake aboard a catamaran (approx. 30 min). In the afternoon you will hike along the Black Lagoon (Laguna Negra) and the Path of Winds (Camino del Viento) to the Refugio Grey, which is located very close to the Grey Glacier. Depending on weather and season, you will come across various birds and plants. 4 hours of walking and an elevation of approx. 1,200 ft. Overnight in the Refugio Grey in shared bedrooms and shared bathrooms or in tents. (B/BL/D)
Day 9-10: Ice hiking or kayaking - Boat Ride Lago Grey
Day 9
Today you have the possibility to book an optional excursion. You have the choice between ice hiking on Grey Glacier, a 3 hours kayak trip on Grey lake, a short and easy hike with your guide to the Las Guardas lookout or just relax and enjoy the surroundings of this unique place. Overnight in the Refugio Grey in shared bedrooms and shared bathrooms or in tents. (B/BL/D)
Day 10
In the morning, you will enjoy a boat ride on the splendorous Lago Grey that passes along the icy glacier and crosses the beautiful lake. If you are lucky, you may see chunks of ice tumbling into the milky green lake. Subsequently you take a private transfer to Refugio Las Torres. Overnight in the Refugio Las Torres in shared bedrooms and shared bathrooms or in tents. (B/BL/D)
Day 11-12: Hike to Torres del Paine granite needles – Puerto Natales - Punta Arenas
Day 11
Today, on your hike you will be rewarded with an excellent view on the region’s top highlight: The famous Paine Towers. Your hike first leads you up to the Ascencio-valley where you take a break at the Refugio Chileno next to the lovely Ascencio River. After 2+ hours and a challenging ascent your efforts will be rewarded as you will stand face to face with the impressive Paine Needles and a green lagoon lying at your feet. After this exhilarating hike of more or less 8 hours and 1,100 ft in elevation, you take our private bus back to Puerto Natales where you will spend the night in a hotel, in double room with private bathroom. (B/BL/D)
Day 12
It is time to say good bye. After breakfast a private 2 ½ hr transfer will bring you to the Punta Arenas airport. (B/-/-)
Enthaltene Leistungen
- Unterkünfte: 8 Nächte im Hotel im DZ mit Privatbad und 3 Nächte in Refugios im Mehrbettzimmer mit Gemeinschaftsbad (falls die Hütten ausgebucht sind: alternativ im Zelt).
- Verpflegung: 11 x Frühstück, 6 x Lunchpaket, 2 x Mittagessen, 3 x Abendessen
- Lokale englischsprachige, zertifizierte Trekking-Reiseleitung (WFR)
- Fahrten: Alle öffentlichen und privaten Transfers lt. Tourenverlauf
- Katamaran-Fahrt über den Pehoe-See
- Bootsfahrt entlang des Grey-Gletschers
- Eintritte: alle Eintritte lt. Reiseverlauf
- Notfallausrüstung: einschließlich Erste-Hilfe-Set und VHF-Funkgerät / Satelliten-Telefon
Nicht enthaltene Leistungen
- Nicht ausgeschriebene Mahlzeiten und Getränke
- Überland- und Inlandflüge sowie Flughafengebühren
- Optionale Ausflüge, insbesondere an den Tagen 1 und 9
- Trinkgelder
- Ausgaben des persönlichen Bedarfs
- Reiseunfall- und Krankenversicherung, Reisegepäck- und Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung. Wir empfehlen den Abschluss einer entsprechenden Versicherung.